The Second SUPER-IRNET Workshop: Sparkling Our Collaboration at the Cosmic Gate

和文タイトル「近赤外線広視野深宇宙探査が切り拓く未開拓宇宙 II (日本学術振興会・研究拠点形成事業「地上・宇宙望遠鏡の連携による近赤外線広視野深宇宙探査時代の国際研究拠点形成」第2回全体セミナー)」
# Last updated: July 19, 2024 #
♨ Date: July 23rd - 26th (in Japan time)
♨ Venue: B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, Japan
♨ Workshop Program: [Full Program] [Time Table only] NEW
♨ Poster Presentations: [List of posters] NEW
♨ Local Info: Please visit this page.
♨ Conference Poster: [PDF]
♨ List of participants: please check this page. NEW
♨ Code of Conduct: please check this page.

Related Meetings NEW

Roman-Subaru synergistic observation workshop V (July 22nd @ B-Con Plaza).
Galaxy Evolution in a Hell (July 27th @ B-Con Plaza, in Japanese language).
Public Talk Event in Oita (July 28th @ J:COM HorutoHall Oita).


“SUPER-IRNET” is a JSPS Core-to-Core Program entitled “International research network toward the era of deep and wide near-infrared survey of the universe with space and ground-based telescopes”, to promote wide-field infrared astronomy in 2020s and beyond. The key components of this program are (1) Euclid-Subaru synergy, (2) Roman-Subaru synergy, and (3) the development of ULTIMATE-Subaru. In addition, we aim at promoting collaboration between these big facilities and telescopes/instruments with unique wide-field NIR capabilities operated by Japanese universities, such as SWIMS on TAO telescope in Chile (Univ. of Tokyo) and PRIME telescope in South Africa (Osaka University). The main goal of SUPER-IRNET is to connect people and promote science collaboration using these S-U-P-E-R (Swims/Ultimate/Prime/Euclid/Roman) facilities.

We recall that we are standing at an exciting moment - SWIMS completed its science operation at Subaru (and now preparing for shipping to TAO), Euclid was successfully launched last year, and PRIME is now ready for science operation. Furthermore, the launch of Roman as well as the first light of ULTIMATE-Subaru is also approaching rapidly. Following the first hybrid meeting we had in March 2023 (under the remaining restrictions of COVID-19), it’s time to invite all SUPER-IRNET colleagues, to share the latest status of each S-U-P-E-R project, and to provoke discussions on our near/far future collaborations using all the SUPER facilities. We note that the workshop is open to everyone, not restricted to the current SUPER-IRNET members.

The workshop place - Beppu city in Oita, Japan - is one of the most famous Japanese hot spring (“onsen”) resorts, with its largest amount of hot spring water discharge in Japan. In addition, Oita Airport is a candidate for the first “spaceport” in Asia. We will provide all our S-U-P-E-R colleagues with a rare opportunity to enjoy science discussion in a relaxing environment at the cosmic entrance, sparkling unlimited flow of ideas for our future SUPER-IRNET collaboration.

Important Dates

- Feb 20: Website & registration open
- April 30: Deadline for registration with oral/poster presentation & travel support
- May 31: Deadline for registration without presentation
- June 14: 2nd announcement with workshop program
- July 23: Workshop start

Workshop Program NEW

  • - Time table only [PDF]
  • - Full workshop program [PDF]
  • - Poster presentations [PDF]

Science topics

The original scientific motivation of SUPER-IRNET includes (1) cosmology, (2) galaxy and blackhole formation, (3) time domain astronomy, (4) galactic center observations, and (5) development of adaptive optics, but we encourage everyone to bring any science/instrumentation topics related to wide-field IR astronomy.

Confirmed Speakers

Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay)
Karl Glazebrook (Swinburne)
Tadayuki Kodama (Tohoku)
Naoki Koshimoto (Osaka)
Euan McKay (Kobe)
Lihwai Lin (ASIAA)
Julie McEnery (NASA)
Reiko Nakajima (Bonn)
Atsushi Nishizawa (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen)
Sakurako Okamoto (NAOJ)
Aoi Takahashi (ABC)
Tayyaba Zafar (MacQuarie)

Registration and Presentation

Please complete the registration at the following form. We encourage any presentations related to near-infrared, wide-field observational astronomy (science and instrumentation). While the SUPER-IRNET program is operated by our five partner countries (Japan, USA, France, Australia, Taiwan), we do not restrict the participants to those partner countries. Because of the limited oral presentation slots, we may need to ask you to change your presentation style. The deadline for oral/poster presentation and travel support is April 30th. The registration deadline without presentation is May 31st.

Registration Form

Registration Fee

There is no registration fee to join the meeting - the venue cost will be fully supported by SUPER-IRNET. The cost for social events (banquet, excursion, etc) will be announced later for registered participants.

Remote Participation

Since we believe that in-person communication is important to boost our collaboration network, we may consider on-line participation if sufficient demands exist. Please complete the above registration with remote connection requests.

Travel Support

SUPER-IRNET can support travel expenses for SUPER-IRNET members in Japanese institutes. If you need financial support, please request in the registration form above. For participants from outside Japan, please contact your regional PIs if you need travel support.

Organizing Committee

Michitoshi Yoshida (NAOJ)
Julie McEnery (NASA)
Celine D’Orgeville (ANU)
Philippe Laudet (CNES)
Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
Takashi Moriya (NAOJ)
Hironao Miyatake (Nagoya Univ)
Daisuke Suzuki (Osaka Univ)
Yusei Koyama (Subaru Telescope)
Takahiro Sumi (Osaka Univ)
Toru Yamada (ISAS/JAXA)
Masamune Oguri (Chiba Univ)
Yosuke Minowa (Subaru Telescope)
Kentaro Motohara (NAOJ)
Mihoko Konishi (Oita Univ)


Please contact SUPER-IRNET organizers ( if you have any questions regarding the workshop. In particular, please contact the organizerse well in advance if you need visa support to enter Japan.